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Grammar Subject Guide

This guide provides resources to help you improve your grammar.

Find the answers to all your writing conundrums in this handy grammar guide.

Does Grammar Matter?

It can be hard sometimes, when speaking, to remember all of the grammatical rules that guide us when we’re writing. When is it right to say “the dog and me” and when should it be “the dog and I”? Does it even matter? Andreea S. Calude dives into the age-old argument between linguistic prescriptivists and descriptivists — who have two very different opinions on the matter.

Printable handouts and videos covering every aspect of writing papers

A self paced, grammar, punctuation, organization, and writing style tutorial. It includes online quizzes.

Grammar For People Who Hate Rules

Easy to read and packed with practical tips that will make you a better writer and speaker. The easy-to-follow tips in Grammar for People Who Hate Rules, a straightforward guide that will help you avoid many of today’s common word and punctuation errors, will remind you what you’ve forgotten and help you lift your writing skills to a new level. 

These video tutorials, from Khan Academy, discuss grammar, parts of speech, punctuation, and syntax.

Word Crimes

Weird Al Yankovich proves yet again that he is the Most Awesome Guy in the World. I dare you not to smile as you enjoy his much-improved version of “Blurred Lines.”

This website provides rules for grammar, punctuation, numbers, capitalization, confusing words, and homonyms.

Enter your text into the Grammar Checker to catch your grammar mistakes. 

Avoid these common mistakes!

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